The schedule for hikes may be found on the Club’s Website under the “calendar” tab. This will include a description of the hike, the starting time, the starting location and the name and contact details for the leader.
The Club offers four levels of hikes as listed below: These are designed to offer club members of widely differing capabilities the opportunity to enjoy group hiking in our beautiful Park City environs:
- Strenuous hike: For very fit hikers fully acclimated to Park City area altitude. Average pace 2.1 – 2.8 MPH plus with a distance between 8 and 19 miles or more. Vertical gain usually from 2700 to 5500 feet or more. Typically includes steep trails and possible rock scrambling. Leader leads at listed pace. Generally, rest stops every 45-55 minutes. Lunch or snack stops at the turn around (or mid point). Slower hikers may be dropped (1).
- Moderate hike: For fit hikers fully acclimated to Park City area altitude. Average pace about 2 MPH with a distance between 4 and 6 miles or more. Vertical gain typically about 1000 feet. Some steep climbing depending upon the route. Leader leads at listed pace. Generally, rest stops every 15 minutes. Lunch stop at the turn around (or mid point). Slower hikers may be dropped (1).
- Semi-moderate hike: For hikers who want an easier pace or not yet fully acclimated to Park City area altitude. Average pace about 1.5 MPH with a distance from 2 to 4 miles. Vertical gain typically from 500 to 1000 feet. May include some limited climbing. Rest stops as needed. Lunch or snack stops at the turn around (or mid point). Slower hikers may be dropped (1).
- Easy hike: For hikers that want to hike but do not feel they are ready for the more advanced hikes listed above. Average pace less than 1.5 MPH, with a distance of 1 and 2 miles and vertical gain less than 500 feet. Rest stops as needed. No one will be dropped.
(1) The hike leader will stop after the first 10 minutes or at the first fork in the trail to assess hikers’ ability to keep up. If some hikers are considerably behind, they will be asked not to continue on the hike.
It is very important that each individual hiker understand their fitness level. Hikers must know their overall ability to hike at the pace, elevation gain, distance, hiking time and type of terrain noted in the hike description on the Club’s calendar.
To help members assess their hike ability, they are urged to participate in the “Know Your Pace” hikes on “PC Hill “. This has been set up to be a self-assessment that members can do on their own to determine hiking capability for moderate and semi-moderate hikes. Information of the “Know Your Pace” can be found on the Club’s website, under “Summer Sports”, “Hiking”. Further, as members hike more, they can update their assessment to see if they are ready for the next level of hike. If you have any questions regarding your fitness level or you need to acclimate to Park City’s altitude, it is strongly advised to start at the easier levels until you are confident you can advance.
If the weather is questionable, contact the hike leader to determine if the hike is cancelled.
Hike Leader
Each scheduled hike will be led by a volunteer leader. On some hikes the leader will have an assistant to act as a sweep. Be sure to note the leader’s cell phone number at the beginning of the hike.
Key leader responsibilities:
- The leader is in charge.
- The leader may cancel a scheduled hike due to weather, etc.
- Describe the route, level of difficulty, approximate distance in miles, pace, elevation gain, approximate hiking time and general description of the terrain.
- Confirm hiker has adequate equipment to safely participate.
- Enforce hiker drop rules, if required
- It is at the hike leaders’ discretion whether dogs would be allowed on individual hikes. This does not apply, of course, in areas where dogs are not allowed. Hike leaders and participants should be aware that most local government ordinances require dogs-on-leash and that dog fecal matter should be picked up and properly disposed. Hikers are encouraged to comply with all rules and regulations regarding dogs. Responsibility for compliance to these ordinances lies with each participant, not hike leaders or the Sports club. Hike leaders, as volunteers, cannot be expected to and will not be asked to police whether hike participants comply with these local ordinances.
Hiking Protocols:
- Stay on the trail
- Stay to the right on wider trails
- Hikers should insure the person behind them is within eyesight when making a turn at an intersection
- When you are overtaking someone, let them know you are approaching by calling out, “May I pass you”.
- Hikers going uphill should be given the right of way by hikers coming downhill
- Bikers should yield to hikers and horses
- If you allow bikers to pass, stand on the uphill side and give the bikers sufficient room to pass safely
- Hikers must yield to horses. If you encounter a horse: get off the trail on the downhill side (horses tend to bolt uphill when spooked). Stand quietly while the horse passes.
- Leave no trace. If you pack it in — pack it out
- Call out and point to hazards such as: “hole”, “bike up”, “bike back”, “horse up”, “hornets nest”, etc. This may save your fellow hikers from injury
- Hikers are encouraged to keep the outlined pace behind the leader. If there are faster hikers they will be allowed to go ahead, but they will not be considered as part of the organized hike.
- Hikers are asked to inform leader if they are injured or are intending to leave the hike
- Hikers must sign the Activity Release Form
- It is impolite to hold up the group to take pictures, send text messages or make phone calls. If this is necessary, the hiker should step aside and let others pass. However, the group will not stop while this activity is taking place.
“Four Hiking Essentials”
The Park City Mountain Sports Club’s 4 essentials to Take on a Hike
- Fluids water, sports drink – take more than the minimum
- Food take more than the minimum
- Clothes rain gear, layers, hat, hiking shoes — not soft sneakers
- Personal – essential: first aid kit, sunscreen, insect repellant – optional: headlamp (new batteries), whistle, hiking poles, cell phone (fully charged)
Notice: Park City Mountain Sports Club is a club of independent adults, each ultimately responsible for his or her own safety. This list is published for you to use as a guide as you see fit.